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CheckCentral icon
Solve problems faster with a smarter way to monitor your backups
IT administrators can no longer see the plate beneath piles of tasks and responsibilities they undertake. Even without active tickets, there is a never-ending demand for network and system status checks, updates, backups, and security implementations. Time is a precious commodity, and software that can cut time spent on everyday tasks is like digital gold.
IT administrators often spend hours manually checking statuses of backups, scripts, and nightly jobs. Administrators without the proper tools can find it difficult to keep up, and the workload of an MSP administrator is compounded that much more. Expensive software may help, but even RMMs and other monitoring tools may miss important checks or be unable to report on jobs that never ran.
An affordable, reliable, and time-saving tool is the ultimate find for any IT administrator. CheckCentral is a simple, scalable solution that meets all your ideal criteria. With CheckCentral, you'll save hours on tedious email sorting, get notified faster of important issues, and have a better view as to which systems and software may be giving you the most headaches.
CheckCentral Dashboard
You can simply monitor backup jobs for software such as Veeam, Comet, Altaro, and Veritas, but as an email-based solution, CheckCentral is both agentless and software agnostic, making it easy to setup and widely inclusive.
  • Backup software and email-configured notification compatibility. Stay informed of backup statuses, script output, and scheduled job notifications.
  • Secure. Encrypted email content, SSL for mobile and web dashboards, and multi-factor authentication.
  • Active check monitoring. Be alerted to missed and failed backups that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.
  • Customize and organize. Group checks together by location, client, backup software, etc.
  • Multi-user access. User-based permissions and notification options with separate client data access and API availability.
  • Ticketing system integration. Automatically create and manage tickets for critical issues.
The CheckCentral dashboard keeps you up to date, alerting you to problems, delays, and expected notifications that were never sent by your systems. At the top of your customized dashboard is an overview and count of current issues, with quick-access details for failed and missed checks. No longer left to search email notifications for problems, you can resolve issues faster and eliminate the unknown.
CheckCentral Dashboard
With check groups, labels, and filtered dashboards, you can customize dashboards to create the most efficient and meaningful view for you and your users. You can group information by the same backup software or office location. MSPs can group everything by clients, even give restricted access to client-specific data via public dashboards.
Backup Software List
Atera, ConnectWise, Kaseya, Autotask, and other ticketing systems are configurable for use with CheckCentral, allowing ticket creation and management for critical issues. Along with multiple alerting options including our mobile app, you will stay informed and work new issues directly into your standard operating procedures.
Ticketing System Software List
The open configuration options of CheckCentral translates to open potential. Any email notification for any software, update, status, warning, or issue can be read by CheckCentral and converted into a meaningful dashboard-friendly status.
Anything you can do to reduce incoming emails is worth the investment. By eliminating countless email notifications, you save time while preventing frustration and potential oversight. For IT administrators these benefits are essential. To MSPs with hundreds of clients the benefit is compounded, translating to real monetary savings, and adding scalability to solutions that may not have been possible before.
40% of employees feel administrative chores prevent them from completing core tasks. 48% believe they'd be more productive with better technology and tools.1
Every manual job brings risk of error. By utilizing automated checks, missed and failed jobs will never go unnoticed again. Apart from the dashboard indicators, an abundance of notification options and available ticketing system integration will keep you informed of issues as they arise.
By organizing and consolidating checks, whether it be by client, location, or common software, you gain a new vantage point over your operation. This new view can help pinpoint hardware or software with repeated problems, so you can improve your network efficiency.
With great efficiency comes great expandability. Because CheckCentral streamlines a segment of IT administration, that segment can be expanded with ease. For MSPs that can mean an increase in revenue without the need for additional staff or time. For large enterprises, CheckCentral's impact translates to better use of administrator time and effort.
Running an efficient IT department requires knowledgeable and proactive staff and software that simplifies routine tasks. CheckCentral is one more tool in the intelligent IT admin's arsenal. It's quick to implement, easy to use and integrate, and shows a clear return on investment.
Get started with CheckCentral for free. Go to and create your CloudShow account free of cost with no contract and no credit card required.
While the CheckCentral dashboard and management system are web-based, a mobile version of the software is available as well. The mobile software will run on most Windows, Android, and iOS platforms.
  • Windows (10 or higher, 32.74MB)
  • Android (5.1 or higher, 22MB)
  • iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (iOS 8.0 or higher, 41.7MB)
Software icons
[1] Adam Reynolds, Financial Director, June 19, 2019. [Online]. Available:
CheckCentral Monitoring consolidates and simplifies backup, system, and software email updates into a clean, graphical dashboard, bringing peace of mind to IT administrators of SMBs, Enterprises, and MSPs.
To learn more about CheckCentral, visit:
Binary Fortress has spent 17 years in pursuit of one goal: create software to make life easier. Our software ranges from display management and system enhancement utilities to monitoring tools and digital signage. IT administrators, professional gamers, coffee-shop owners, and MSPs all rely on Binary Fortress to make their days better, and their lives easier.
Copyright © 2007-2024 Binary Fortress Software, all rights reserved.
The Binary Fortress logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
The CheckCentral logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
Binary Fortress Software
1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 500
Kanata, Ontario, Canada