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Separate email addresses with commas or semicolons.







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The CheckCentral API provides an endpoint for programmatically adding users.
To add a new user through the API, you will require an API token for your organization with Read/Write access. Organization administrators can create tokens through the API portal on your dashboard.
API Menu and Token Creation
"User API Tokens" will only return data available to the user based on their granted permissions and user groups. Regular "API Tokens" have the Access Level given upon creation.
The endpoint is located at
where the APITOKEN placeholder is replaced with your valid token.
The request must be made with the
header set to
. The body of the request should contain the properties below to configure the new user's settings. Any properties not passed will be set to their default value.
For example, to add a new user you could send the following json in the body of the request:


  "name": "Person Somename",
  "email": "person@myorg.realdomain",
  "accessLevel": "User",
  "sendWelcomeEmail": true,
  "userGroups": [
  "notifications": [
        "type": "failures",
        "services": [
The user data must include an
property as well as an
The complete list of possible properties for user creation are as follows:
Parameter Type/Allowed Values Default
The email address of the new user.
This parameter is required.
The access level to grant the new user.
This parameter is required.
One of:
  • disabled
  • custom
  • readonly
  • user
  • editor
  • manager
  • administrator
The name for the new user.
If the
parameter is not included, the user's name will be set to their email address.
Pass the
flag to have CheckCentral send an introductory email to the new user.
Pass an array of user group IDs to add the user to those user groups. User group IDs can be retrieved with the
API endpoint.
An array containing user group IDs.
Pass an array of json objects to configure which services CheckCentral should use to communicate with the user.
An array containing one or more NotificationConfig parameters and values.
Parameter Type/Allowed Values Default
Pass the type of notification to configure.
This parameter required for NotificationConfig objects.
One of:
  • digest
  • failures
  • warnings
  • unmatched
The list of services that CheckCentral should use to alert the user about the configured type of notification. Any services not included in the array will be disabled for the notification type.
Any of:
  • email
  • sms
  • push
  • pushbullet
  • pushover
More API Documentation and Help
A full list of API Methods are available via the API page under your CheckCentral organization.
Log in to your account. Click "Organization" from the main menu, then "API."
API Menu
Click "Documentation."
Here you'll see the list of Methods available, their permission requirements, their purpose, and the call limit per day.
API Methods
Click on any of the Methods to see a testing area with parameter requirements and an example of usage. Populate the fields and click "Send Test Request" to see the JSON Response.
Testing Area
CheckCentral Monitoring consolidates and simplifies backup, system, and software email updates into a clean, graphical dashboard, bringing peace of mind to IT administrators of SMBs, Enterprises, and MSPs.
To learn more about CheckCentral, visit:
Binary Fortress has spent 17 years in pursuit of one goal: create software to make life easier. Our software ranges from display management and system enhancement utilities to monitoring tools and digital signage. IT administrators, professional gamers, coffee-shop owners, and MSPs all rely on Binary Fortress to make their days better, and their lives easier.
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The Binary Fortress logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
The CheckCentral logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
Binary Fortress Software
1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 500
Kanata, Ontario, Canada