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We're very happy to announce that you can now bulk edit check schedules, status criteria, and notification settings. The new bulk edit tool allows you to select multiple checks and alter their settings with one page. You can also use the bulk edit page to copy settings from one check to multiple other checks, making changes to many similar checks a breeze!
Follow these easy steps to use the new bulk edit tool:
  • Navigate to the Checks page on the top menu for your org.
    Checks Menu
    Checks Menu
  • Click the checkboxes next to the checks you'd like to modify. Next, in the "Bulk Actions" box on the right-side of the page, select "Edit Check(s)" from the drop-down, then click the checkmark icon.
    Bulk Edit Checkboxes
    Bulk Edit Checkboxes
  • Click the "Modify" toggle next to the check settings you want to edit. From there, you can use the "Copy Settings From Existing" check, or you can manually choose the values you want to change. Note that the values shown initially are not representative of the current state of the selected checks, they are just defaults.
    Bulk Modify Status
    Bulk Modify Status
  • When you've finished changing the settings, click the "Download Backup File" button to save a JSON file with the current check configuration. If you run into trouble with your checks after editing, the CheckCentral support team can use the backup file to troubleshoot and restore your previous configuration if needed.
    Download Backup File
    Download Backup File
  • When you're ready to apply the changes, click the "Save Edits" button.
As always, if you run into any trouble or have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
May 26, 2023 (modified Jun 7, 2023)  • #1
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