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We're excited to announce that we've released several updates to CheckCentral, including new options for receiving notifications and updated check configuration settings!


We've added a new option to help you process incoming messages. Advanced matching expressions provide a simple yet powerful way to create conditions that are more complicated or more specific than the existing options. For example, you can now create rules based on the number of occurences of a word or phrase, or to require a one word while excluding another. To see all of the ways you can use complex matches see the documentation.

As well, the thresholds for late message warnings have been expanded to provide additional flexibility for setting up your checks.

CheckCentral Check Edit
CheckCentral Check Edit


You can now be notified when CheckCentral does not recognize a new email, to help you stay on top of any message that comes in to your organization. We've also added support to send CheckCentral notifications with Pushbullet and Pushover, so you can get updated more ways than ever!

CheckCentral Notifications
CheckCentral Notifications

More Updates

In addition to these updates, we've also made improvements to CheckCentral's email processing and other behind-the-scenes upgrades to keep everything running smoothly.

Aug 31, 2015  • #1
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