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We're pleased to announce that the CheckCentral Android app can now use custom status colours, which you can set on your account page. To configure custom status colours, follow these steps:
  • Login to your CheckCentral account.
  • From the top-right Account menu, choose "My Account."
  • Scroll down to the CheckCentral section and click "Modify" next to the Status Colours.
  • Enter your current password before scrolling down, it's required when modifying account settings.
  • Click each colour next to the status to open the colour picker.
  • Choose a new colour
  • Click the Save button to save your changes.
We would like to invite everyone to try out the new CheckCentral app for Android today. If you have any feedback, issues, or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
CheckCentral Android Screenshots
Default Status Colours
Default Status Colours
Custom Status Colours
Custom Status Colours
May 11, 2023 (modified May 29, 2023)  • #1
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