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We're excited to announce that CheckCentral now has a read-only API available, so that you can pull Check and Issue details into your own custom applications!

To get started, select the API option from the Organization menu when you're on your CheckCentral page. On this page, you can add API tokens that are used when accessing the API from your scripts. Treat the tokens as you would your password!

API Tokens page
API Tokens page

After adding a token, you can click the Documentation link to view the available API endpoints, and if you click one of the endpoints, you can test it out right in your browser. The API calls return JSON data that you can use in your programming/scripting language of choice.

A test call to the getChecks endpoint
A test call to the getChecks endpoint

Here's a sample PowerShell script that gets the details for the Checks in a specific Check Group, and dumps them to a formatted HTML file: CC-API-GetCheckDetailsForSpecificGroup.ps1

If you need any help with the new API or have any questions, please contact us and we'll help you get up and running.

Apr 4, 2018 (modified Apr 4, 2018)  • #1
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Michael Wrozek76147
1 discussion post
Works great, thanks!
Nov 7, 2018 (modified Nov 7, 2018)  • #2
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