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We're very pleased to announce that you can now import the customer list from your PSA system as check groups in CheckCentral. This allows MSPs to quickly create check groups for each customer, and also allows for tickets to be automatically assigned to the correct customer when they're created in the PSA.

Customer importing is currently supported on these external ticketing system configurations in CheckCentral:
  • Atera
  • Autotask
  • ConnectWise
  • HaloPSA
  • SyncroMSP

When configuring one of the above external ticketing systems in CheckCentral, make sure to choose "Automatically select customer based on check group name" when doing the customer/account search in the configuration.

After saving your configuration, you can click the icon shown below to import the customers as check groups.

Customer Import Button
Customer Import Button

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
Apr 29, 2022 (modified May 4, 2022)  • #1
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