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We're happy to announce that we've just deployed a new update that allows your CheckCentral organization administrators to get notified if CheckCentral fails to create a ticket for a failed check.
To enable this option:
  • Go to Services > External Ticketing Systems
  • Click the edit button for your ticketing system
  • Near the bottom of the configuration window, enable the "Send notification to organization admins on ticket creation failure" option
  • Click Save
Ticket Creation Failure Notification Option
Ticket Creation Failure Notification Option
We are constantly striving to improve our services and provide you with enhanced features that make your CheckCentral experience even more efficient. If you have any questions or require assistance with external ticketing or any other aspect of CheckCentral, our dedicated support team is always here to help.
Jan 11, 2024 (modified Jan 18, 2024)  • #1
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