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1 discussion post

I hae been working with Support in getting our ConnectWise instance hooked up for our demo which is now functional, but I have a few requests for tighter integration into any external PSA (and specifically ConnectWise):

    When creating tickets in an external PSA, it would make sense to allow a different ticket priority, status, etc. to be set depending on if the check is a failure or a warning. Rarely does a one size fits all model work with ticketing in a PSA, but ticketing templates and then assigning those ticket templates to a check would be great
    The ability to confirm a company match against the PSA company from the Check Group edit page, especially pertinent if you can't just import all your companies and instead have to match names manually
    Set the status for tickets that are automatically closed by CheckCentral - we like to use a seperate ticket status for tickets that are automatically closed as opposed to the ones humans close
    Allow for the subject and body of tickets created to be set, which again ties into a ticket template

All of the above are features we currently utilise in a competitors monitoring system that would be of benefit in this platform also.

Sep 1, 2022 (modified Sep 1, 2022)  • #1
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