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Ticketing Systems
CheckCentral integrates with several RMMs, PSAs, and ticketing software, including GitLab, helping you consolidate service ticket issues.
To integrate GitLab with CheckCentral, begin by logging into your CheckCentral account.
From the main menu, click Notifications, then External Ticketing Systems.
External Ticketing Systems menu
Click Add Ticketing System and choose GitLab.
Add Ticketing System
Ticketing Systems
This will bring up the configuration options required for CheckCentral to communicate with GitLab servers via the API.
GitLab Ticketing Details
You can name this configuration anything you'd like.
The other details require you to log into your GitLab account.
In GitLab's user account menu (upper right), click "Preferences."
User menu
Select "Access Tokens" from the left-hand menu.
Access tokens
GitLab and CheckCentral
  1. Name your token.
  2. Select the "api" scope.
  3. Click "Create personal access token."
API token
Copy the API key and paste it into the Personal Access Token field in CheckCentral's integration prompt.
API paste
Click the GitLab icon in the upper-left to return home.
From your Projects list, click the Issues icon for the project with which CheckCentral will integrate.
GitLab and CheckCentral
Copy the URL and paste it into the Project Issues URL field in CheckCentral.
Project issues URL
Finally, choose which Check Groups will use this GitLab channel. By default, all check groups are selected. To be more selective, disable the All Check Groups checkbox then use the multi-select dropdown field below.
Once you've selected your check groups, ensure the 'Enable this external ticketing system' checkbox is enabled, and click Save.
Check Group Selection
Saved GitLab Channel
This External Ticketing System channel will now be available for use with any check under your Check Central account.
CheckCentral Monitoring consolidates and simplifies backup, system, and software email updates into a clean, graphical dashboard, bringing peace of mind to IT administrators of SMBs, Enterprises, and MSPs.
To learn more about CheckCentral, visit:
Binary Fortress has spent 17 years in pursuit of one goal: create software to make life easier. Our software ranges from display management and system enhancement utilities to monitoring tools and digital signage. IT administrators, professional gamers, coffee-shop owners, and MSPs all rely on Binary Fortress to make their days better, and their lives easier.
Copyright © 2007-2024 Binary Fortress Software, all rights reserved.
The Binary Fortress logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
The CheckCentral logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
Binary Fortress Software
1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 500
Kanata, Ontario, Canada