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We've added extra filtering options to your dashboard, to help you view only the Checks you want to see. Clicking on the status indicators in the Organization Overview allows you to directly filter to one specific status, and you can expand the "Filters" interface to select a combination of statuses to view. The filters you select will also remain in effect when your dashboard data automatically updates, ensuring you only see the information you've chosen to view!

Check Filtering
Dashboard Check Filters
Check Filtering
Overview Check Filtering

User Management

In preparation for upcoming updates to CheckCentral, we've moved user management to a dedicated new page, accessible from the Organization navigation menu for organization administrators.

The new layout provides a much clearer overview of the users that you've given access to, and simplifies the process of updating any user's settings.

User Management
User Management
Editing a User
Editing a User

Other Updates

In addition to theses updates, we've also released various other minor UI updates, including improved standardization of the appearance and naming of pages across CheckCentral.

Oct 6, 2016 (modified Oct 26, 2016)  • #1
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