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David J. Thuss
1 discussion post
We're using Check Central across multiple areas of the department - server alerts, websites, door access, etc.. CheckCentral is a gift from the gods!

Is it possible to have more granular notifications so that only some individuals receive an SMS message relating to door access issues and others only get a push if a particular web site is down?
Nov 5, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting usage case, David! It's not currently possible with the way the notifications are setup, but we'll definitely put this on our list for further review.

Nov 5, 2015 (modified Nov 5, 2015)  • #2
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3 discussion posts
This is an excellent idea and one that I was asked yesterday when I was demonstrating this solution to the team. Are there any further thoughts / plans on this?

Certain individuals here would be very keen to receive key alerts for certain systems/processes, which may not be of 'key' interest to the rest of the team - certainly not worthy of a push or text alert to them.

Also, we were discussing deploying the solution to other company divisions to obtain greater visibility on status/health for backups etc. In this case, we would not require everyone to receive alerts, only those individuals at their respective sites, though the overall reporting & visibility would be of great benefit.
Aug 18, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@QuantumTravel: I've added your vote to the open feature request for this. We will be sure to post an update here when we're able to implement something like this!
Aug 18, 2016  • #4
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