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We're pleased to announce several updates to CheckCentral, with improvements to Check schedules and dashboard interaction.

We have streamlined the frequency settings for checks, with options for simple and advanced scheduling. With advanced schedules, you can now specify both a daily time window to expect emails, and choose which days of the week emails will be sent.

Check Frequency Settings
Advanced Check Frequency Settings

As well, check filters on your dashboard can now be bookmarked, as the filter will be remembered when refreshing the page or sharing the URL. Also, filtering the checks on your CheckCentral dashboard will only display checks from uncollapsed groups, solving an issue that resulted in displaying all checks from a group when uncollapsing it with filters applied.

Filtered Collapsible Dashboard Groups
Filtered Collapsible Dashboard Groups

Additionally, the CheckCentral Data API can now return the recent history of a check's activity if requested.

If you have feedback or questions about these updates or any aspect of CheckCentral, please let us know!

Jan 21, 2019 (modified Jan 24, 2019)  • #1
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