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New Report Type: Custom Status Report

May 24, 2024
We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Custom Status" report type. This report has the same layout as the Weekly Status and Monthly Status reports, but it allows you to select up to 10 arbitrary dates to report on. This is useful if you want to pull backups statuses relating to a specific event.
Custom Status Report
Custom Status Report
To get started with a Custom Status Report, follow these steps:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • Click Notifications > Reports from the main menu at the top of the page.
  • Click the Add Report link.
  • Select the "Custom Status Report" option on the Report Type tab of the wizard and click Next.
  • Complete the steps in the rest of the wizard to create your new report.
This new report type is available across all subscription plans, and we hope the additional information will help make CheckCentral even more useful and easier to use. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Feature: Activity Notes!

May 24, 2024
We're pleased to announce that you can now add notes to activities in CheckCentral. This will allow you to add valuable context to failure activities to let others in your organization know you're working on resolving the issue, or to communicate information specific to the issue with others.
To add a note to an activity, click the activity's dot to open the "View Message" dialog, then click "Add Note" in the top menu of the dialog.
Activity Notes
Activity Notes
When viewing lists of activities on the dashboard or in other places, activities with notes are indicated by a yellow sticky note overlay.
Activity Note Indicator
Activity Note Indicator
We hope you find this new feature useful, and as always, if you have any feedback for us, please feel free to contact us.

New Report Type: Monthly Status Report

April 18, 2024
We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Monthly Status" report type. This report shows the check statuses for the selected checks for the last full month. This report gives you a quick way to see how your backups have been performing over the last month.
Monthly Status Report
Monthly Status Report
To get started with a Monthly Status Report, follow these steps:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • Click Notifications > Reports from the main menu at the top of the page.
  • Click the Add Report link.
  • Select the "Monthly Status" Report option on the Report Type tab of the wizard and click Next.
  • Complete the steps in the rest of the wizard to create your new report.
This new report type is available across all subscription plans, and we hope the additional information will help make CheckCentral even more useful and easier to use. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Report Type: Billing Report

April 11, 2024
We're pleased to announce that we've added a new "Billing" report type. This report shows the cost of your org, and breaks it down by Check Group. This report type will be most useful for MSPs who use separate Check Groups for each client.
Note: This report type is only available to org Administrators.
Billing Report
Billing Report
To get started with a Billing report, follow these steps:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • Click Notifications > Reports from the main menu at the top of the page.
  • Click the Add Report link.
  • Select the "Billing Report" option on the Report Type tab of the wizard and click Next.
  • Complete the steps in the rest of the wizard to create your new report.
This new report type is available across all subscription plans, and we hope the additional information will help make CheckCentral even more useful and easier to use. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Statistics Report Improvements: Multi-select checks, check groups, and labels

April 5, 2024
We're very excited to announce that it's now possible to select multiple checks, check groups, and labels to include in the Statistics report type. Selecting checks and check groups in the tree view will determine the checks to include. If you also select one or more labels, the selected checks will be filtered by those labels.
Check/Check Group Tree View
Check/Check Group Tree View
Statistics Report Content Selector
Statistics Report Content Selector
Statistics Report Preview
Statistics Report Preview
We hope you enjoy these new options for the Statistics report type, and as always, if you have any feedback for us, please feel free to contact us.

Report Improvements: New Time Frames Available

March 26, 2024
We're very excited to announce that there are now time frames available for reports that use them (e.g. Statistics Reports) that will include all data for the last full day/week/month. This will allow you to easily create a scheduled report that will give you all of the data from time frames like Monday-Sunday for the previous week, or first-last day for the previous month.
Report Time Frame Option
Report Time Frame Option
Note that you can also now choose which day is considered the "first" day of the week in your organization settings. This setting can be found in Organization > Settings > Formatting.
First Day of Week Option
First Day of Week Option
Here's what an example Statistics Report would look like when using the "Last full month" time frame:
Sample Monthly Statistics Report
Sample Monthly Statistics Report
We hope you enjoy these new reporting options, and as always, if you have any feedback for us, please feel free to contact us.
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