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New Ticketing System: Atera

November 18, 2021

We're pleased to announce that we've added Atera as an external ticketing system for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > External Ticketing Systems. From there you can add it as a new channel and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.

Atera External Ticketing Configuration
Atera External Ticketing Configuration

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

New Ticketing System: Autotask

November 18, 2021

We're pleased to announce that we've added Autotask as an external ticketing system for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > External Ticketing Systems. From there you can add it as a new channel and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.

Autotask External Ticketing Configuration
Autotask External Ticketing Configuration

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

New Ticketing System: HaloPSA

November 15, 2021

We're pleased to announce that we've added HaloPSA as an external ticketing system for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > External Ticketing Systems. From there you can add it as a new channel and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.

HaloPSA External Ticketing Configuration
HaloPSA External Ticketing Configuration

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!

Scheduled Reporting Added!

October 4, 2021

CheckCentral is happy to announce that scheduled reporting is here! You can find this new feature under your Notifications menu then the Reports menu item.

What is Scheduled Reporting?

Scheduled reporting is an exciting new feature that allows you to create automated reports for any of your CheckCentral data. Schedule different types of reports to send the data you need to the people that need it, even people outside of your organization.

Navigating to the Daily Digest.
Navigating to the Daily Digest.

You can now manage your Daily Digest report and create new reports that your organization needs in this new reports area.

New CheckCentral reports area.
New CheckCentral reports area.

As always, if you run into any trouble at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.

CheckCentral API Documentation: createReport Endpoint

August 23, 2021

The CheckCentral API provides an endpoint for adding reports programmatically. All of the configuration options are available through the API, detailed below. To add a new report through the API, you will require an API token for your organization with Read/Write access. Organization administrators can create tokens through the API portal on your dashboard.

The endpoint is located at where the APITOKEN placeholder is replaced with your valid token. The request must be made with the Content-Type header set to application/json. The body of the request should contain the properties below to configure the new report's settings. Any properties not passed will be set to their default value.

For example, to add a new report you could send the following json in the body of the request:


  "name": "Some Report",
  "email": "person@myorg.realdomain",
  "accessLevel": "User",
  "sendWelcomeEmail": true,
  "userGroups": [
  "notifications": [
        "type": "failures",
        "services": [

The report data must include a name property as well as any data required to generate the report such as check group IDs or dashboard IDs.

The complete list of possible properties for report creation are as follows:

Report Structure

Parameter Type/Allowed Values Default


The name of the new report.

The name parameter is required.



The type of the new report.

The report_type parameter is required.

One of:

  • dashboard
  • checkgroup
  • check
  • activity
  • stats
  • digest


A text description of the report. The description will be included in the body of emails delivering the report.



The name for the new user.



The output format for the report. Different report sources allow for different formats.

One of:

  • html
  • pdf
  • csv (activity and stats only)
For digest reports, the format will always be set to embedded.


Set an optional filename to use for the report. Reports will be generated with a default filename that includes the date of the report and information such as the report type and content.



Pass a json object to configure what content CheckCentral will include in the report.

ReportContent {}


Parameter Type/Allowed Values Default


Pass a check ID to to use for the report. The check parameter is valid for activity, check, and stats reports. Only one of check and checkgroup may be configured for activity and stats reports.


The check parameter is required for check reports.


Pass a checkgroup ID to use for the report. The checkgroup parameter is valid for activity, check group, and stats reports. Only one of check and checkgroup may be configured for activity and stats reports.



Enabling Integration with External Ticketing Systems

July 6, 2021
CheckCentral notifies you of the status of your system and server backup jobs, but integration with ticketing systems enables automatic ticket management. CheckCentral currently supports integration with Atera, Autotask, Bugzilla, ConnectWise Manage, Freshdesk, GitHub, GitLab, HaloPSA, Jira Service Management, Jira Software, Kaseya BMS, Microsoft To Do List, Redmine, SyncroMSP, and Zendesk (with more to come).
External Ticketing Systems
Ticket creation, updates, and closing is all managed when integrating a ticketing system with CheckCentral.
The automated management include the following events:
  • Failure or Warning statuses will create new tickets.
  • Subsequent Failures or Warnings will update the ticket.
  • A return to the Success status will close the ticket.
Note: Manager or Administrator privileges are needed to add external ticketing systems to your CheckCentral organization.
Log into your CheckCentral.
On the main menu, click "Notifications," then "External Ticketing System."
Click "Add Ticketing System."
Add Channel
Click on your ticketing system.
Ticketing Systems
Follow the directions from the prompt to fill in the necessary fields. These options/requirements will vary based on the ticketing system.
Ticketing Configuration Detail
By default "All Check Groups" is enabled. To use the ticketing systems for select Check Groups, disable the "All Check Groups" checkbox and click the field below. Choose one or more groups from the populated list.
Check Groups
With the "Enable this external ticketing system" checkbox enabled, click the "Save" button.
For a more detailed guide on integrating a ticketing system, including customer import and asset ID integration, see HaloPSA Integration.
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