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Check Management Updates

September 28, 2018

We're excited to announce a recent update to the Manage Checks page for CheckCentral. Reordering Groups is now much faster and easier, with all your groups displayed in one place in a sidebar. You can also drag and drop checks directly on the group in the sidebar to move them between groups. In addition, the page and its content have been streamlined to improve the performance and responsiveness for organizations with large numbers of checks.

We hope this update will make it faster and easier to manage your checks. If you have feedback or questions, please let us know!

Manage Checks Page
Updated Manage Checks page
Drag and drop Checks between Groups
Drag and drop checks between groups

TOTP Now Available for Two-Factor Authentication!

August 15, 2018

Today we're happy to announce that we've added another two-factor authentication (2FA) method. In addition to the current SMS 2FA method, you can now choose to use time-based one-time password (TOTP) 2FA instead, allowing you to get your 2FA codes through your favourite authentication app.

The TOTP method will work with any app the supports TOTP, including Google Authenticator, Duo, Authy, and more! With TOTP you also get an upgrade in security for your 2FA codes, since they can't be intercepted like SMS messages.

If you've already got SMS 2FA enabled, you'll get a prompt when logging in that suggests switching to TOTP. You'll have to disable SMS 2FA first, then setup TOTP. All of the 2FA configuration is done on your account page:

TOTP on the Account Edit Page
TOTP on the Account Edit Page

We highly recommend enabling TOTP 2FA on your account for better security, and as always, if you run into any trouble at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Repeated Failure Notification Options, Collapsible Groups, and More!

August 9, 2018

We're excited to announce a number of updates to CheckCentral!

We've added the ability to collapse groups on your dashboard to make it easier to see only the information you need to see. The groups you collapse will be remembered whenever or wherever you login to CheckCentral!

Dashboard With Collapsed Groups
A sample CheckCentral dashboard showing collapsed groups.

Repeated Failure Notifications

New options for failure notifications give you more control over when you are alerted about the status of your checks. A check with a configured "failure notification grace period" will wait to send alerts until the specified time has elapsed. If the check returns to success before the alert is sent, it will be canceled.

The repeated failure option provides several options to control failure notifications when a Check receives multiple consecutive failures:

  • Notify on every failure: this will send an alert every time a failure message is processed by CheckCentral
  • Notify on first failure: this will only send an alert for the first of any consecutive failure messages
  • Notify on every failure after N consecutive failures: this will send alerts for every failure message after the limit is reached
  • Notify on every N consecutive failures: this will send alerts every time the specified number of failures are processed in a row, e.g. with a setting of "3", you would receive alerts for every 3rd, 6th, 9th failure, and so on
Failure Notification Settings
Configuration options for repeated failure notification

Newly Created Check Activity

As well, newly created checks will now have an initial starting activity (set to Success). This will allow the check to become marked overdue once the specified interval has elapsed. To leave the check in a neutral state that will not become overdue until a message has been received, you can delete that created activity.

Check Created Activity
Newly created check with an initial activity.

In addition to these notification updates, we have also made several UI improvements and fixes, including the text for overdue check alerts and organization logos on PDF reports. If you have feedback or question about any of these updates, or anything else, please let us know!

CheckCentral Write API and CSV Exporting

July 25, 2018

We're excited to announce the new "setCheckStatus" endpoint for the CheckCentral API! This is the first writable endpoint for the API. SetCheckStatus allows authenticated requests to update the status of a specific check. As well, the request can include an associated message, and optionally send alert notifications for the check as well.

PDF Check Report
A test call to the setCheckStatus endpoint

Only API tokens that are configured with Read/Write access will be able to make requests to this endpoint. Existing API tokens are set as "Read Only", with all the same permissions they currently have. You can modify a token's access level on your organization's API token management page, available under the "Organization" menu for organization administrators.

PDF Check Report
Creating a Read/Write API Token

Stats CSV Export

As well as the API update, we've also included the option for CSV export on your organization's stats page. Any search on the stats page can be saved as a CSV report by clicking the "Save CSV" button.

PDF Stats Report
Save Stats Page Reports as CSV

If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions about the API or CheckCentral in general, please let us know!

New PDF Report Options

April 25, 2018

We're happy to announce that we have expanded the options for generating PDF reports! PDFs for individual checks can now be generated with activity history for a custom date range, and to cap the displayed history to a configured limit.

As well, you can now generate PDF reports from the Organization Stats page. To help with creating reports, the stats page also provides the option to only display stats for a specific check group. Please let us know if you have any feedback!

In addition, we have released an update to iOS notifications to improve performance and reliability.

PDF Check Report
PDF Check Report
Stats Page Filtering
Stats Page Filtering
PDF Stats Report
PDF Stats Report

Introducing the CheckCentral Data API!

April 4, 2018

We're excited to announce that CheckCentral now has a read-only API available, so that you can pull Check and Issue details into your own custom applications!

To get started, select the API option from the Organization menu when you're on your CheckCentral page. On this page, you can add API tokens that are used when accessing the API from your scripts. Treat the tokens as you would your password!

API Tokens page
API Tokens page

After adding a token, you can click the Documentation link to view the available API endpoints, and if you click one of the endpoints, you can test it out right in your browser. The API calls return JSON data that you can use in your programming/scripting language of choice.

A test call to the getChecks endpoint
A test call to the getChecks endpoint

Here's a sample PowerShell script that gets the details for the Checks in a specific Check Group, and dumps them to a formatted HTML file: CC-API-GetCheckDetailsForSpecificGroup.ps1

If you need any help with the new API or have any questions, please contact us and we'll help you get up and running.

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